michael neale
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  • B.Sc. Psychology Bedford College University of London 1980
  • Ph.D. Psychology Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, University of London 1985

Research Interests

Statistical modeling, substance use, psychopathology, neuroscience, development.

Research Description

My research focuses on the development and application of statistical methods to test hypotheses about individual differences. As the developer of Mx, and co-developer of OpenMx, I have contributed to methodology for behavior genetic and other studies of human variation. The main substantive areas of focus include substance use and abuse, and psychopathology.


  • Fulker Award, Behavior Genetics Association, 2019
  • Distinguished Scholarship Award, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2017
  • Tanaka Award, Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology, 2009
  • MERIT Award, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2005
  • James Shields Award for Outstanding contribution to Twin Studies, 2004
  • Fulker Award, Behavior Genetics Association, 2004
  • Fulker Award, Behavior Genetics Association, 20003
  • Cattell Award, Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology, 1994
  • Thompson Memorial Award for Behavior Genetics, 1983

Selected Publications

A periodically-updated collection of my authored and co-authored papers, books and abstracts is here: https://vipbg.vcu.edu/vipbg/Articles/