T32 Pre- and Post-doctoral Training Positions in Alcohol Research, Virginia Commonwealth University Alcohol Research Center (VCU-ARC)

The Virginia Commonwealth University Alcohol Research Center (VCU-ARC) was awarded a T32 Training Grant “Cross-Species Multidisciplinary Training in Alcohol Research” in April, 2023 to fund 4 pre-doctoral and 2 post-doctoral trainees in alcohol research. The VCU-ARC is in its 15th year of funding from the US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and brings together a diverse group of faculty engaged in a broad portfolio of research on the causes, effects and outcomes of alcohol use and abuse across a range of species including invertebrate and vertebrate models, and humans.

This NIAAA-funded Training Program offers exciting interdisciplinary training experiences across a range of areas, including molecular, genetic, neurobiological, behavioral, epidemiological and treatment research. In addition to their primary research projects, trainees engage in diverse training experiences through seminars, specialized coursework, clinical shadowing, career development, co-mentorship opportunities and interactions with the VCU-ARC faculty and visiting scientists. Primary mentors include faculty from the VCU Departments of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Psychiatry, Human & Molecular Genetics, Psychology, the Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, and others. This program offers a rigorous and stimulating intellectual environment that emphasizes interdisciplinary projects, training and collaboration. Appointments will be made for 1 year terms and can be renewed subject to satisfactory annual review of progress. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents.

To apply, candidates or their mentors should submit the candidate’s current CV and a brief description of their alcohol-related research work to the T32 Directors, Dr. Brien Riley and Dr. Michael Miles. Candidates who wish to engage in alcohol research for the first time are also encouraged to apply. In this case please submit a current CV and a statement of alcohol-related areas of interest, and the program will assist in identifying potential mentors and projects. The VCU-ARC and this T32 Training Program are committed to the goals of the VCU 2025 Strategic Plan, including recruitment and retention of a diverse group of trainees and faculty. Candidates from under-represented minority groups are particularly encouraged to apply.