Contact Information
Bio-Technology Research Park, Building One
800 E. Leigh Street, Suite 100
Box 980126
Richmond, VA 23298-0126
Bio-Technology Research Park, Building One
800 E. Leigh Street, Suite 100
Box 980126
Richmond, VA 23298-0126
Traumatic Stress in children and adolescents, including dating and community violence, complex trauma, polyvictimization, and PTSD; risk and resilience, positive youth development
Sullivan, T. N., Walsh, C. S., Leslie, C. E., Ross, K. M., Radabaugh, S. A., & Winter, M. A. (2024). Caregiver, Youth, and community partner perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 on African American families. Children and Youth Services Review, 162, 1-10.
Walsh, C. S., Leslie, C. E., Ross, K. M., Santana, A., Radabaugh, S., Edmonds, T., & Sullivan, T. N. (2024). Confronting misconceptions of public housing communities: A qualitative report of community-informed narratives by community members and partners. Journal of Community Psychology, 52(1), 181-197.
Leslie, C. E., Walsh, C. S., & Sullivan, T. N. (2023). Implications of intergenerational trauma: Associations between caregiver ACEs and child internalizing symptoms in an urban African American sample. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 15(5), 877–887.
Ross, K. M., Bishop, D. L., Leslie, C. E., Chapman, D. A., & Sullivan, T. N. (2023). Identification of Promotive and Protective Factors for Young Adults Living in Concentrated Disadvantage. Youth & Society, 55(5), 799-823.