Posts Tagged 'mckee'

The 2019 VIPBG Excellence Awards Announced

The Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics pre- and post-doc awards were announced on December 16, 2019. Annually since 2007, one predoctoral and one postdoctoral trainee are selected to receive the awards. The process requires VIPBG faculty members to first nominate exceptional trainees. The final recipients are selected after a faculty discussion and vote. These awards consist of a certificate of recognition in addition to a $500.00 gift.

This year, the awardees include Kevin McKee, who received the ...

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Featured Student: Kevin McKee

Kevin McKee is a student in the Psychiatric, Behavioral, and Statistical Genetics (PBSG) PhD program. He has been interested in psychiatry and psychology for as long as he can remember, with particular interests in psychometrics and statistics. Accordingly, he majored in psychology at VCU and, upon graduation, he applied for a research assistant position in the psychiatry department here at VCU. However, in a serendipitous turn of events, the interviewer for the job ...

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