JAN. 8, 2018
Featured Postdoc: Chris Chatzinakos, Ph.D.

Chris Chatzinakos, Ph.D. is a post-doctoral fellow at the Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, working with Dr. Silviu-Alin Bacanu, Ph.D. His Ph.D. is in robust statistics and electrical engineering and he has already completed one post-doctoral engagement in electrical engineering. This position focused on teaching and when it was over, Dr. Chatzinakos wanted a position that would bring together his full knowledge of math and engineering. Currently, he focuses on software development that helps with analysis of gene expression and pathways. Through this work, Dr. Chatzinakos has developed an appreciation for behavioral genetics.
Now for the lightning round of questions!
What is your favorite place to work?
100% here in my office. In Greece, we go [drink] coffee to enjoy ourselves and not to work but [spend time with] friends. I’m not used to going to a coffee shop to work.
What advice would you give a Ph.D. student who is looking for a post-doctoral position?
If he/she wants to work hard and improve themselves, it’s good to stay in the academic world, [so I would say] to try for it. A post-doc is a good period. It’s good training. It’s inspiration.
“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.”
Outside of work, Dr. Chatzinakos likes to run, read, watch movies and TV, and attend the opera. He has a love for classical and baroque music.
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