OpenMx Master Class – Nov. 14-16, 2024

The first OpenMx Master Class is aimed to improve the skills of individuals who are already familiar with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and want to improve their understanding and capability to specify and fit advanced SEMs. We will also cover the OpenMx philosophy and how it differs from other SEM programs in terms of fit functions, expectation functions, multiple groups, definition variables, constraints, confidence intervals, standard errors, bootstrapping, compute plans, and simulations.

To watch the presentations and download example scripts from ...

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Featured Postdoc: Luis Araujo

Luis Fernando Silva Castro de Araujo, Ph.D. is a psychiatrist and post-doctoral researcher working in the lab of Dr. Michael Neale here at VIPBG. Originally from Brazil, Luis attended medical school in Bahia, after which he moved to São Paulo to complete his residencies in psychiatry and geriatric psychiatry. Luis later earned a Master’s degree in Psychiatry from the State University of Campinas and a PhD in Psychiatry from the University of Melbourne.  ...

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The 2023 VIPBG Excellence Awards Announced

The Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics pre- and post-doc awards were announced on December 14, 2023. This year, the awardees include Mallory Stephenson, M.S., who received the Kenneth S. Kendler Award for Excellence in Pre-Doctoral Research, and Luís Fernando Silva Castro de Araújo, M.D., Ph.D., who accepted the Lindon Eaves Post-Doctoral Award.

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Featured Student: Yi (Daniel) Zhou

Daniel Zhou is a fourth-year MD/PhD student in the Integrative Life Sciences – Behavioral & Statistical Genetics concentration at VIPBG. He works in the lab of Dr. Michael Neale, Distinguished Professor, whose research focuses on statistical modeling software for brain imaging, substance use, and psychiatric disorders. Daniel was born in Anyang, China, and he moved to Canada with his family when he was five years old. With the goal of becoming a ...

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Marc Kealhofer Finalist in the 2023 Early Career Investigator Program

Marc Kealhofer, Graduate Student at the Virginia Institute of Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, is a Poster Presentation Finalists in the 2023 Early Career Investigator Program Award from the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics for his abstract “Dissecting the Relationship Between Major Depressive Disorder and Cognition Using Genetics.

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Mallory Stephenson 2023 International Summit on Suicide Research Finalist

Mallory Stephenson, Graduate Student at the Virginia Institute of Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, is a Poster Presentation Finalists at the IASR/AFSP 2023 International Summit on Suicide Research for her abstract “Clarifying the Relationship Between Painful and Provocative Events and Risk for Suicide Attempt in a Swedish National Sample.

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VCU’s Kenneth Kendler achieves No. 1 lifetime ranking among published psychiatry scholars

Kenneth Kendler, M.D., doesn’t love attention — he says he finds it “a little embarrassing.” But as a world-renowned researcher from his pioneering studies in psychiatric genetics, the Virginia Commonwealth University professor has continued to rake in the accolades throughout his decades-long career. The latest speaks to his legacy.

Kendler has long been among the top five most-cited researchers in the field, and in September 2023, he achieved the No. 1 lifetime ranking from ScholarGPS, which analyzes researchers and their publications ...

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