The 2023 VIPBG Excellence Awards Announced

The Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics pre- and post-doc awards were announced on December 14, 2023. This year, the awardees include Mallory Stephenson, M.S., who received the Kenneth S. Kendler Award for Excellence in Pre-Doctoral Research, and Luís Fernando Silva Castro de Araújo, M.D., Ph.D., who accepted the Lindon Eaves Post-Doctoral Award.

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Marc Kealhofer Finalist in the 2023 Early Career Investigator Program

Marc Kealhofer, Graduate Student at the Virginia Institute of Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, is a Poster Presentation Finalists in the 2023 Early Career Investigator Program Award from the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics for his abstract “Dissecting the Relationship Between Major Depressive Disorder and Cognition Using Genetics.

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Mallory Stephenson 2023 International Summit on Suicide Research Finalist

Mallory Stephenson, Graduate Student at the Virginia Institute of Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, is a Poster Presentation Finalists at the IASR/AFSP 2023 International Summit on Suicide Research for her abstract “Clarifying the Relationship Between Painful and Provocative Events and Risk for Suicide Attempt in a Swedish National Sample.

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The 2022 VIPBG Excellence Awards Announced

The Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics pre- and post-doc awards were announced on December 15, 2022. This year, the awardees include Mohammad Ahangari, who received the Kenneth S. Kendler Award for Excellence in Pre-Doctoral Research, and Severine Lannoy, Ph.D., who accepted the Lindon Eaves Post-Doctoral Award. Mr. Ahangari has been working with Brien Riley, Ph.D., and Dr. Lannoy has been working with Alexis Edwards, Ph.D.

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The 2021 VIPBG Excellence Awards Announced

The Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics pre- and post-doc awards were announced on December 16, 2021. This year, the awardees include Terrell Hicks, who received the Kenneth S. Kendler Award for Excellence in Pre-Doctoral Research, and Chelsea Sawyers Rooney, Ph.D., who accepted the Lindon Eaves Post-Doctoral Award. Mr. Hicks has been working with Ananda Amstadter, Ph.D., and Dr. Rooney has been working with Jim Bjork, Ph.D.

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